Esercizio su pronomi personali, riflessivi, possessivi e aggettivi possessivi

  • 1/15

    Match each pronoun to his correct use.

    I, you, he, she, we, they
    Me, you, him, her, us, them
  • 2/15

    Translate this sentence in english: “A lui piace Mara”.

  • 3/15

    Translate this sentence in english: “A Mara piace lui”.

  • 4/15

    After a preposition I will use “she” or “her”?

  • 5/15

    And after the verb “to be”, I will use “they” or “them”?

  • 6/15

    Choose the correct sentence.

  • 7/15

    We use a reflexive pronoun when the action is referred to a second person or thing.

  • 8/15

    If I have a subject looking to another subject, I will say  “He is looking at he”, “He is looking at himself” or “He is looking at him”?

  • 9/15

    Translate this sentence in english: “Voi avete danneggiato solo voi stessi con le vostre azioni”.

  • 10/15

    Translate this sentence in english: “Si sono entrambi comprati delle scarpe nuove”.

  • 11/15

    Transform the subject “he” in the correct adjective.

  • 12/15

    Transform the adjective “our” in the correct pronoun.

  • 13/15

    Translate this sentence in english: “Mi dispiace, ma l’errore è tuo”.

  • 14/15

    Translate this sentence in english: “Il mio cane ama giocare con la sua coda”.

  • 15/15

    Match each sentence with the correct word.

    They know it’s … fault.
    … am a sympathetic guy.
    You forgot … book at the cafeteria.
    It’s my own necklace, the necklace is … !
    That glass of wine is …
    … must go to that party, everyone will be there.

Esercizio su Inglese
