Verifica sul "Giulio Cesare" di Shakespeare
In Shakespeare’s tragedy Julius Caesar, who can be considered as the main driver of the action, whose death resolves all the events?
What is the main reason which leads Brutus to take part in the conspiracy?
Shakespeare wrote "Julius Caesar" not just as a historical play, in which the past is represented, but also as a portrait of what really lies beneath politics and government
What does Antony want to emphasise at the beginning of his speech?
In which way does Antony manage to make Brutus’ claim “Caesar was ambitious” absurd and wrong?
In “Julius Caesar” Brutus embodies all the typical characteristics of the antihero: he’s selfish, ambitious and corrupted by his thirst for power. Is this true?
Is it true that Shakespeare tried to compress the historical events of “Julius Caesar” into a shorter time period, and not to represent the action as it actually happened over the course of three years?
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